In our opinion, effective preparation for the medical entrance examination is necessarily individualand strictly. Indeed, group lessons, even in small groups, are not effective in meeting a student's needs, which are always very specific (the exam has eight separate parts).
Because the student has neither the desire nor the time to have what he or she has already mastered re-explained.
What they are looking for are answers to their questions; what they want is to be explained the aspects of maths, physics, chemistry or reasoning that they have not yet mastered, not to take general and collective courses. Furthermore, the time factor argues for an approach that goes straight to the heart of the matter, i.e. the student's real needs.
This is why we give priority to individual preparation for the medical and dental entrance exams. A failure is by no means irreparable. It is a matter of analysing the results objectively, planning the work, and accompanying the student individually and intensively towards success.
Request for information on individual preparation for the medical entrance exam
I look forward to talking about it,
The Cogito team