Spring 2023 assisted blockade - supervised blockade to success

School assistance

The forces of the Blockade assisted Cogito:

  1. Qualified trainers (min. 5 years of higher education);
  2. Three hours of actual monitoring every day (assisted blockade is not supervised study)
  3. A plan, a structure, a rhythm, schedules, a method
  4. Individual explanations and simulated exams reproducing real conditions (MCQs/QRMs)
  5. Twenty-five years' experience in organising assisted blockades
  6. So, a complete integrated study solution for a supervised blockade

Who is the Cogito Assisted Blockade aimed at?

The assisted blockade is aimed at all higher education students, from medicine to law to graduate schools (ICHEC, EPHEC, ECAM, 'Gramme'., HelmoThese include the Arteveldehogeschool (Gent), Erasmushogeschool Brussel (Brussel), Antwerp Maritime Academy (Antwerp), Odisee (Brussel, Dilbeek, Gent, Aalst, Sint-Niklaas), Hogeschool Gent (Gent, Aalst, Melle, Bottelare), LUCA School of Arts (Brussel, Genk, Gent, Leuven), etc.). In fact, students are very welcome to take advantage of this tailor-made help with blockades and exams. Cogito makes it a point of honour to scrupulously respect everyone's study comfort requirements. The number of students we welcome is therefore limited.

Next dates: spring 2024, with effective monitoring (plan + method) from 1 April 2024.

What's the aim? To prepare intensively for and pass the January exams. Students prepare for their exams in a serious working atmosphere, with qualified instructors trained to help them make the most of each day of assisted blockade to ensure their success. Request information on the Spring 2024 assisted blockade using the form below.

Would you like to take stock of the situation and plan your assisted blockade rationally? Then we can offer you a Diagnostic Appointment and our Seminar in Academic Working Methods.

Good academic results

A student blockade with many advantages:

Three hours of individualised follow-up per day

Individual courses and seminars Method

Follow-up in the study (overall programme, specific deadlines) + Examination simulations

Coaching, study and working method

  1. Three times one hour of coaching per day. The student will be helped in planning his work, in understanding his subject and in appropriating it. The student will ask questions and be questioned daily by a trainer specialised in the subject studied, according to his/her needs and expectations. In this respect, the student will adopt a proactive attitude: it is up to him/her to be on time for the previously scheduled appointment;
  2. Of these three hours, one hour is strictly individual, two hours are conducted in small groups (emulation, interactivity) by the same trainer all day;
  3. Modules on different aspects of the working method are organised throughout the week, taking into account the demands and needs of the students present.
student blockade: tips for success

Book your assisted blockade this summer!

The dates for this summer's assisted blockade have been set. The summer assisted blockade is aimed at higher education students: universities and colleges. As well as students preparing for the medical entrance exam and the civil engineering entrance exam.

So this summer, the assisted blockade will take place from 17 to 21 July, 24 to 28 July, 31 July to 4 August and 7 to 11 August.

Recent editions of the summer assisted blockade have been fully booked. We operate a 'closed office' - i.e. no registrations are accepted once capacity has been reached, even for 'old hands'.

With or without accommodation

We are now opening registrations for the assisted blockade for summer 2023. (Please note that we are unable to give options on bookings, as this creates misunderstandings with parents who are put on hold and end up disappointed).

The assisted blockade is organised at our facilities in Louvain-la-Neuve. An on-site accommodation option is available - without obligation. This is for students who wish to immerse themselves in their studies and not have to make the daily commute.

As a result, students staying on site remain under the supervision of constant members of our staff, who are also staying on site. 

A successful student blockade

Ensure the quality of your study materials. There's no point in multiplying the number of materials; you need to create a single, up-to-date and comprehensive set of materials for each course.

So plan your work from the outset, dividing up the available days between the different subjects to be presented. It's important to give your study some visibility.

You have to study, not just 'work'. Study means acquiring knowledge. Good work to you all 😉

timetable assisted blockade supervised blockade student blockade

Block or blockade?

The term "blockade" is specific to French-speaking Belgium, where students prepare intensively for several weeks before the exams.

So in Belgium, the term "blockade" is used to describe this period of intensive revision.

The word "bloquer" in French-speaking Belgium is also used in the sense of working assiduously (the content of a course) in preparation for the exam.

Bloque, from the Dutch blokken

This term, which sounds funny to a French student, is borrowed from the Dutch verb "blokken" used in the same way in Flanders and the Netherlands.

Note that the words "bloque" and "blocus" are also associated with the idea of preventing movement, isolating or obstructing, which can be compared to the notion of "bûcher" in general French.

However, the term "blockade" is a semantic innovation from Belgium, where it is used to describe the intensive revision period before exams.

Blockade in LiĂšge, blockade in Brussels!

It is often preferred to the term 'bloque' in higher education institutions in Brussels, Walloon Brabat and Namur, while 'bloque' is more commonly used in universities and colleges in the LiĂšge region.

In conclusion, the terms bloque and blocus should be considered as perfect synonyms and neologisms specific to Belgium, referring to the period of intensive study preceding the exam session.

Blockade tips

Méthode de travail : comment mémoriser ?
Working method university

Méthode de travail : comment mémoriser ?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCDLXpFgLio Dans ce ce tutoriel sur la mĂ©thode de travail, nous expliquons l’importance de la rĂ©pĂ©tition, et d’aller Ă  l’essentiel, quand il s’agit de mĂ©moriser

Assisted blockade or supervised blockade?

When Cogito created the first assisted blockade in 2001, there was no equivalent, either in universities or in organisations comparable to Cogito. Since then, there has been a proliferation of formulas, and parents sometimes find it difficult to make sense of the terms assisted blockade, supervised blockade, assistance blockade, etc.

The best thing is to start from *your* needs. If you're looking for (for yourself or your child) a package that guarantees nine hours of effective study per day - that's the best option. ieIf you are looking for a high added-value, highly-organised, assisted block formula, including three appointments a day with a trainer with a degree in the subject studied (civil engineer, lawyer, doctor, etc.), then the assisted block formula is the right choice. A student who is more interested in studying with the help of other students is more likely to opt for less demanding supervision.

Supervised blockade or assisted blockade: the important thing is to agree on the content and the level of the trainers.

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