How to prepare an MCQ? How to manage this examination modality?
Wide range of possibilities (options)

MCQs, everywhere MCQs!

For various reasons, our universities and colleges have made multiple choice and multiple response questionnaires ( QRM) as examination modalities. These MCQs/QRMs have the merit of objectifying the quotation. However, their very 'dryness' makes them understandably apprehensive for our students!

Stress of our students

These examination procedures stress and destabilise many students. They feel that they do not know how to proceed when the right answer does not appear immediately. Among the questions they ask themselves:      

Questions to ask

  • Should we try to answer the question before looking at the options?    
  • What if the answer is not among the available options? How do I proceed?    
  • What is the 'plausibility factor'?    
  • Is it relevant to 'turn back the clock'?    
  • Why and when to judge the internal coherence of the proposed options?    
  • In case of negative points, how do I decide whether or not to answer a question when I am not sure? 

It is useful to consider these questions calmly, with a clear head, before the exams begin. The aim is to avoid finding yourself in the unenviable position of failing an exam even though you knew the material !

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