Procrastination, procrastination: how to combat it?

Procrastination, procrastination: how to combat it? Cogito brings you the fruit of 25 years' experience working alongside tens of thousands of students.

Procrastination is a common challenge faced by many of us. It's the art of putting off important tasks or responsibilities in favour of more enjoyable or less demanding activities. However, procrastination has negative consequences for our productivity, well-being and quality of life. Fortunately, there are effective strategies for combating procrastination and achieving our goals. In this article, we'll explore some of these strategies.

1. Understanding the causes of procrastination

The first step in combating procrastination is to understand the reasons behind it. Fear of failure, lack of motivation, overwork or perfectionism are all factors that contribute to procrastination. Identify the specific causes of your procrastination so that you can deal with it appropriately.

2. Set clear objectives

Clear, specific goals will help you stay focused and motivated. Define short-term and long-term goals and break them down into smaller, more manageable steps. achievable. This will allow you to measure your progress and feel satisfied when you reach these small milestones.

3. Establish effective planning

Establish a use of times or a to-do list to organise your activities. Prioritise the most important tasks and allocate specific time slots to them. This will help you to concentrate on the essential tasks and avoid being distracted by less important things.

4. Avoid distractions

Identify the distractions that cause procrastination and take steps to eliminate them. Switch off your mobile phone or put it on silent mode. Block notifications on your computer and find a calm working environment conducive to concentration.

5. Using the Pomodoro technique

The Pomodoro technique is a time management method that involves working for set periods of time, usually 25 minutes, followed by short breaks. This method can help you stay focused and motivated by breaking your work down into manageable segments. To be confirmed in your own experience.

6. Establish routines

Procrastination is often the result of bad habits. By creating positive routines and habits, you can overcome procrastination. For example, set yourself regular times to work on important tasks and stick to them. The more you repeat these behaviours, the more natural they will become.

7. Finding motivation 

Identify what motivates you to complete your tasks. Whether it's a reward, a sense of achievement or the pleasure of making progress towards your goals, use these motivations to overcome procrastination. You can also share your goals with others for support.

8. Divide up complex tasks

Complex tasks are often overwhelming, which can lead to procrastination. Break these tasks down into smaller, more manageable sub-tasks, then tackle them one at a time. This will help you progress more easily and avoid being overwhelmed by the size of the task.

9. Practising self-compassion

It's important to remember that no one is perfect and that everyone experiences periods of procrastination. Don't blame yourself too much when you procrastinate, but instead try to understand why this is happening and find solutions to remedy it. Be kind to yourself and use every opportunity to improve.

10. Rewarding yourself

Reward yourself every time you reach a goal or complete an important task. This will reinforce your motivation and commitment to avoid procrastination in the future. Rewards can be small, like taking a break to do something you enjoy. Or bigger, like treating yourself to a night out or a special purchase.

In conclusion, procrastination may seem difficult to break, but with a conscious approach and appropriate strategies, it is very usually overcome. Identify the causes of your procrastination, set clear goals, establish effective planning and use techniques such as the Pomodoro technique. Be patient and persistent in your efforts to combat procrastination, and you'll see significant progress in your productivity and personal fulfilment.

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