
"You who enter here, abandon all hope", says Virgil, then Dante, before leading us to hell. To say that memorization is hell may seem excessive. However, at any other stage of the study - comprehension, selection, restitution, exercises, etc. - memorization is unquestionably essential. - Memorization is undoubtedly the most painful part of the learning process.
memorise better

It is that the memorization is almost entirely the result of a slow and almost mechanical process of patient repetition. If rubbing one's brain (ieIt is especially memorising, which implies an almost complete retreat in your mind, that gives rise to this healthy and noble fatigue. What does every student feel in the evening of a successful day of study!  

Turn around!

How many students have we known who spent most of their hours circling their subject. Going, coming back, annotating, reflecting and other activities which are certainly respectable, but which always postpone the moment of crystallisation. That is, memorization in the strict sense. 

If, on the evening of the first day, your thirty pages - according to the work plan - are not known, when will you study them? In the following days, in parallel with the study of the next thirty pages? So here are the first thirty pages to know, the relevant information is selected. How do you do it? On the first page, you read what you have just selected, then you reproduce it from memory. Let's repeat this sentence, perhaps the most important one in our method. You read what you have just selected, then you play it back from memory (ieWithout looking!). Loudly or quietly, or even without speaking, it's up to you, but by expressing yourself, even in the silence of your mind. Can't you do it? Yes, you can! You think you can't. 

Memory, like a muscle

No being endowed with consciousness is incapable of restoring, from memory, what has just been read. What evolves, admittedly in stratospheric proportions, is the quantity of material that you will be able to restore each time and 'at once'. Because like a muscle, memory improves through the use you make of it. "I can't do it" is not a statement of incapacity, but a deficiency of willpower. Start with what you have, which is never equal to nothing. Do this for 5, 10 or 15 pages, depending on the density of the material and the training of your memory. After you have rendered them the first time, do it a second time. Then a third and, if possible, a fourth and a fifth time! The last two times will probably seem repetitive, even useless. But you know the material! Cqfd. Proceed nevertheless, because with these fourth and fifth renditions, even if they are very quick, you are establishing the knowledge in the long term.

Go ahead and try it out without delay, for example with a text you like, don't just stick to theory 😉 

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